Sunday, July 13, 2008

...FYI... all of you that know my future husband well, know that "he's always right" well, because I'm laughing to hard to call people and tell them what he just did, I'll blog about it....We are finally doing our wedding invitations and getting them ready to mail out. I am doing labels to response cards and he is in the kitchen stuffing invitations along with carefully and perfectly putting our return address labels on them. Well I am finished so I go into the kitchen to check on him...with sweat dripping off of him he looks up from the island with envelopes seperated, I asked him what he was please sit down for this next comment he made..."I'm separating by where they have to go because we have to pay more to send out invitations to out of state people" I gave him a look that I'm pretty sure I can't repeat...I asked him again, he started to get agitatied and repeated himself, now I just started laughing hysterically. I explained to him that no matter where it goes in the good ol USA its .47. Nope, he argued with me telling me thats why there is an out of town mailbox at the post-office...I couldn't stop laughing and I still can't!!!! I called my mother and had her explain to him too, but I think she couldn't stop laughing either, and he didn't want to talk to her!!

HUNNY...YOU DON'T KNOW EVERYTHING...his response to this...I was just trying to save money...He is now sorting ones he can hand personable. Gas is $4.20 a gallon and he wants to save .47 cents...god love him!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I got my invitation :-) Glad he decided it was cheaper for the postage than to drive out here, not that i wouldn't love to see you all but like you said gas is $4.20 a gallon i don't think "hand delivery" is really gonna save much...LMAO!