Thursday, September 6, 2007

Confused, Frustrated and just plain "insert mood here"

Well, here I sit, on the computer once again. Many things that I should be doing around the house, but Tim's at school and then going straight to work, so I have the house all to myself. I have to be to work at 7a.m., but when the heck, why not blog.

So, I was typing away, doing things on the computer, ok...I was looking up baby names. And in the midst of it, I just decided I NEED TO BLOG. This is what happens when no one is around to talk to....I need to blog.

To be perfectly honest with you, I haven't the slightest clue what we are calling this creature inside me if it's a boy. We have had the girls name picked out since before we conceived...actually we picked it out one night laying in bed in Florida watching a TLC show and we've stuck with it and no one is changing our mind. I made my appointment today for my ultrasound for the anatomy scan...I have until the 18th of September but I'm still so nervous. I want to find out, but I don't want to find out. I want to be prepared to call it by it's name as soon as the technician says what the gender is, but I'm stuck on a boys name and just my luck it's going to be a boy.

Is this normal, so many things going through my head...I hate it when no one is home, I think way to much! If anyone has any idea what I should do, please feel free to give your 2 cents or even 10 cents for that matter.

I'm sure this just looked like I talked about nothing, but I'm scared that in 20 more weeks, my baby boy still won't have a name, that is if it is a boy!


Kristi said...

don't worry, you are TOTALLY normal. and if you still don't have a name when your little one is born, I bet something just pops in as soon as you see that sweet little face!!!

Anonymous said...

just checking to see if this works