Tuesday, May 27, 2008

6 crazy things...from Sarah

Sarah, my a dear friend, has tagged me for a '6 Quirky things about me
I don't know how to link, so I will just post these crazy things:

1. I have a stuffed animal that my mother gave me when I first flew on an airplane for the first time alone when I was 8...I still have it, her name is "peachy" because she used to be peach in color. I actually had it packed in my bag when I went into labor. I sleep with it every night and it drives Tim nuts...I plan on giving it to Kara someday, for now, I just let her play with it, Im not ready to give it to her yet.

2. I got pregant after I had my thyroid out, thats why I got pregnant!

3. My daughter is named after 4 different people...Kara (the name of the doctor that took my thyroid out) Michelette (my mothers name "michele", my middle name "collette" and Tim's godmother "Ms. Scholette")

4. I agree with Sarah, I miss being pregnant so badly, even though I complained on a daily basis, I miss feeling her kick inside of me, but everyday when she smiles at me makes all the pain so worth it.

5. I love to cook, contrary to what my family says...I just told like to take the time and spend 3 hours in the kitchen when I've worked all day. I'm not all about prep-time.

6. I get ready "bass-ackwards" in the morning, I pee, shower, brush my teeth, to my makeup, hair and then get dressed, I have it down to a tee on how long it takes me to get ready (it all depends on how I do my hair) I've recently diagnosed myself with OCD...it's weird. I time it from the time I get up to the time I get out the door...thank god for Tim because it's been 4 months and kara isn't integrated into my morning work schedule. Sometimes, she is, and it takes me an extra 30 mins. to get her ready.

I tag...Sarah again, Kristi and Stefania, oh and Tracey too...thats all because no one else that looks at this has a page...that I know of...if you do, let me know!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I always thought you brushed your teeth before your shower.......did you change that since you left home?
Your quirks are yours and I know them all....I could prolly add a few more, but won't .......all good of course.....
Love you as you are........